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Category: Uncategorized
Briefs at the Push of a Button
If you’ve been following us, you know that we’ve been very impressed with the NotebookLM tool from Google. Google describes it as a tool for learning things, and we think it’s pretty good at its job. We like that it provides an attractive visual interface for working with files. Clearly defined buttons prompt you to upload your…
Speaking Word Into Existence
Microsoft Word Has a Great Transcription Tool Turning audio into text continues to get easier; videos uploaded to YouTube automatically get captions, and it’s possible to receive voicemails and dictate text messages hands-free. Recently, we had an audio recording at our office that needed transcribing, and we were scrambling to find the best way to…
A PC, by any other name, is an AI PC
Perhaps you noticed that computer manufacturers have started advertising new “AI PCs.” As is often the case, it’s difficult to tell if we are witnessing the birth of a product or the spawning of a marketing campaign, so the crack investigative team at Puritas Springs assigned themselves the task of discovering what’s new about the AI…